How To Hire The Right Kitchen Remodeling Company

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May 8, 2024

Kitchen remodeling is an exciting moment for a homeowner but can also become a nightmare if you do the right kitchen remodeling company. Most homeowners need to become more familiar with remodeling processes and finding the right one; this article will briefly explain how to hire the right contractor and what to look for.

The first step is research, and a lot of it. The last thing you want is to hire a company that is not in good standing with your state, so first and foremost, if you have a company you like, here is the step-by-step guide that will help you. 

Company Registration 

Ensure that the company is fully registered with your state and in good standing; also, check with the city to see if they hold a GC license. 


Ensure that the company has all the required documents for general liability and worker comp; this is one of the most critical factors in hiring a remodeling company. You do not want to hire a company that does not have a license or is uninsured; in case there is an unexpected accident on a job site with any of the subcontractors, you will get suited and run out of a lot of money in court fees and liability, it is critical to ask at the beginning and make sure that their insurance is not expired. Be bold and ask the questions. 

Providing Full Estimate

Once the company has passed the registration and licensing process, it is time to bring them in for a site visit to scope out the job; one significant factor here is that you want the contractor to provide you with a complete, detailed estimate that covers the entire job, some companies tried to catch the client with lower bid and leaving many items open for a change orders, please be careful. Ask for the entire job, labor, and materials, and don’t settle for less; if the company declines to provide one, then run away and call a different company; the entire proposal is made by professional contractors who care for their clients, that will ensure you 100% transparency and no need to pay much more later on.  

Checking Company Reputation 

 Checking for the company’s online reputation is next on our list; please start with reading their online reviews across the board on platforms such as Google My Business, Yelp, and Houzz, etc., and make sure they are serving the customer and not fake reviews that the company is buying, unethical contractors will but many counterfeit reviews to increase their local ranking, click on the profile of each reviewer and see if they ever wrote other reviews, if they have a profile pic or it looks odd, in addition to that please look for the overall rating; if they got 1-3 bad reviews from 100 that’s not bad, realistically you want to hire a company with a proven tracking record, a company that stands behind of their words and they ethical. 

As for many homeowners, this is probably the first time remodeling their kitchen; the more education, the better. You want to deal with a transport company that delivers their promise. We have heard so many horror stories from people that their contractor never came back and ran away with their money; that is unacceptable, and if you do excellent due diligence, you will avoid this at any price; kitchen remodeling is not cheap, and if you pay you to want to get a value for your money, we are hoping that this article helps you with your decision making and remember don’t be afraid to ask as many questions as possible. 

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